The WA Team played a very significant role, serving as the only local architectural firm for...
view projectThe WA Healthcare Design Team has been working for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, both on its...
view projectThe WA Healthcare Design Team was commissioned by BJC Healthcare and Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum of...
view projectWA is the Architect of Record for the largest renovation and addition of an elementary/middle school...
view projectWA was selected as part of the winning Design/Build Team for the North Residential District Transformation...
view projectHelping to rejuvenate Cincinnati’s Avondale neighborhood business district; WA has been proud to help complete this...
view projectWA was called upon by inter-nationally recognized architectural firm HOK as the Associate Architect to provide...
view projectWA was Architect of Record for the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and the Hamilton County East...
view projectAddress 720 E. Pete Rose Way, Suite 310, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone (513) 641-0111
Address 20 S Third St., Suite 210, Columbus, OH, 43215
Phone (614) 324-3228
Address 611 N. Tenth St., Suite 600, St. Louis, MO, 63101
Phone (314) 492-5093
All rights reserved © Copyright 2015 WA Architects inc – Architecture & Engineering